Thursday, July 14, 2022

Healing Scratch Postcard

Sekarang pantang pergi ke mana-mana, pasti mencari poskad.

Rezeki, terjumpa di Mr DIY "Healing Scratch Postcard".

Konon nak borong untuk swap bersama rakan sehobi, malangnya, itu sahaja yang tinggal. Berhuhu Kak Ida di depan rak alat tulis itu.

Cantik kan?

Sudahnya, Kak Ida membuat giveaway tiga keping poskad ini kepada yang bertuah.

Tahniah Kak Ida ucapkan kepada Tuan Jamal Salleh, Tuan Meor Mahadzir dan Cik Nurul Wahida kerana bertuah memiliki poskad ini.

Untuk Tuan Jamal, poskadnya adalah Qinidian Dian. Qinidian is located in the north of the temple of heaven in Beijing, formerly known as day dayi.Ming jianjing 24 years (1545) into the triple round hall, named "big hall". After the renovation in the 16th years of emperor qianlong's reign (1751), it was renamed "qinidian". The fifteenth year of the reign of emperor guangxu (1889) was destroyed by thunder and rebuilt as it was a few years later. 

Poskad untuk Tuan Meor adalah The Tiananmen Square. Tiananmen Square is located in the center of the capital of the People's Republic of China in Beijing, the southern trip of the imperial palace, Tiananmen Square and the people's heroes monument, chairman MAO memorial hall, the great hall of the people, the national museum of China on the other side of the chang an avenue, covers an area of 4800 square meters, with outstanding architectural art and special political status as the world attention.

Poskad untuk Cik Nurul Wahida pula bertemakan Arc The Triomphe. The design of the DE Triomphe was xia gelang and lai meng, because of disagreement, lai meng resigned two years later, so the arc DE Triomphe finally according to the design of xia gelang completed. The French national centre for monuments is responsible for the maintenance and management.

Nantikan giveaway yang seterusnya. Insya Allah.


  1. cantiknyaa postcard , best teringat zaman tukar kad raya

  2. kan. Alhamdulillah, tahun ini kami sudah mula bertukar2 kad raya. Meriah peti pos. Jom, join us di group FB Filateli Hobi Teragung atau Poskad P2P.


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